(bilingual) I write to assure the people of our Diocese in Northwest Iowa of my concern for all of you, but especially at this time, our immigrant brothers and sisters.
Escribo para asegurar a la gente de nuestra Diócesis en el noroeste de Iowa mi preocupación por todos ustedes, pero especialmente en este momento, a nuestros hermanos y hermanas inmigrantes.
From Bishop Walker Nickless on Catholic Schools Week 2025:
Catholic Schools Week in the United States begins this Sunday on Jan. 26. For seven days, we acknowledge and thank those dedicated to the work and success of the 15 Catholic School systems here in our diocese.
(bilingual) Bishop Walker Nickless explains the 2025 Jubilee Year, Pilgrims of Hope, will officially open Jan. 26 at 10 a.m. at the Sioux City Cathedral of the Epiphany with a Mass in English. Diocesan pilgrimage sites will be the Cathedral, Trinity Heights Queen of Peace Shrine in Sioux City, Grotto of the Redemption Shrine in West Bend and St. Joseph Church in Milford.
(bilingual) Bishop Nickless writes about opportunities to reflect upon the sanctity of life with the Roe v. Wade anniversary Jan. 22 and the recent release of the U.S. bishops' Catholic Elements of Immigration Reform.
Merry Christmas!
Christmas begins this evening with vigil Masses held in parishes throughout our diocese. We are filled with hope at the news of our Savior, born of a virgin in humble surroundings.
Today is also the first day of the Jubilee Year 2025 – ending Dec. 23, 2025. The Holy Father will open the holy door at St. Peter’s Basilica at 7 p.m. local time (noon for northwest Iowans) on Christmas Eve.
(bilingual) We have an opportunity with our good works to make an impact upon the communities in the Diocese of Sioux City every Christmas with our annual Catholic Charities Christmas Eve and Christmas Day special collection at each parish.
Tenemos la oportunidad con nuestras buenas obras para hacer un impacto en las comunidades en la Diócesis de Sioux City cada Navidad con nuestra colección especial anual de Caridades Católicas de Nochebuena y día de Navidad en cada parroquia.
(bilingual) Every day for us as Christians should be a day of thanksgiving. In our country we are blessed to have a special day set aside to give thanks for all God’s blessings on us and our nation.
Cada día para nosotros, como cristianos, debe ser un día de acción de gracias. En nuestro país tenemos la bendición de tener un día especial reservado para dar gracias por todas las bendiciones de Dios sobre nosotros y nuestra nación.
(bilingual) Happy All Saints Day, when we commemorate all people in heaven (canonized or not) who lived with virtue, gave their lives for others, martyrs for the faith that we should imitate. It is also a day of obligation to attend Mass. I hope you see this not as an obligation but a privilege to remember those who sacrificed so much for the faith.
Feliz Día de Todos los Santos, cuando conmemoramos a todas las personas en el cielo (canonizadas o no) que vivieron con virtud, dieron su vida por los demás, mártires por la fe que debemos imitar. También es un día de obligación para asistir a Misa. Espero que vean esto no como una obligación, sino como un privilegio para recordar a aquellos que sacrificaron tanto por la fe.
(trilingual) Bishop Nickless: The church asks us to set aside time for a deeper understanding of the migrant experience during National Migration Week from Sept. 23 to 29, culminating with the World Day of Migrants and Refugees. Sept. 29 marks our 110th commemoration of World Day of Migrants and Refugees.
In the Holy Father’s message for the commemoration, he compares the immigrant’s often difficult journey with the Jews in the desert in the Book of Exodus:
(bilingual) Bishop Nickless notes Sept 15 is Catechetical Sunday and the kickoff to Hispanic Heritage Month. Also, Sept. 1 marked the first day of the Season of Creation, which ends on the feast of St. Francis of Assisi.
(bilingual) As the shepherd of this diocese, it is my responsibility to instruct each of the faithful about the church’s teachings. Around election time, the faithful often request that I reprint my earlier letter on the “non-negotiables” of the Catholic faith as it pertains to politics and policies of candidates running for office at all levels of government.
Como pastor de esta diócesis, es mi responsabilidad instruir a cada uno de los fieles sobre las enseñanzas de la Iglesia. Cerca de la época de elecciones, los fieles a menudo me piden que reimprima mi carta anterior sobre los "no negociables" de la fe católica en lo que respecta a la política y las políticas de los candidatos que se postulan para cargos públicos en todos los niveles de gobierno.
(bilingual) “I am the bread of life; Whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.”
“Yo soy el pan de vida; el que viene a mí nunca tendrá hambre, y el que cree en mí nunca tendrá sed.”
(bilingual) Although Indianapolis is several hours’ drive from any location in the Diocese of Sioux City, there are some pilgrims from our diocese planning to participate in this historic event. Due to distance, we know that most of the diocesan faithful will not be participating on-site.
However, we can connect with the congress and connect ourselves to Christ through the Eucharist as a diocesan and national faith community. The National Eucharistic Revival offers suggestions for us to join in our love and devotion to the Eucharist virtually.
Aunque Indianápolis está a varias horas de distancian de cualquier localidad de la Diócesis de Sioux City, hay algunos peregrinos de nuestra diócesis que planean participar en este evento histórico. Debido a la distancia, sabemos que la mayoría de los fieles diocesanos no participarán en persona.
Today, the Lumen Media staff and I remain just as committed to reaching the diverse audiences of the diocesan faithful with Catholic news, using the most effective tools of our day. With the rapidly-changing technology in our world, we have numerous cost-effective communications options to reach the people. Our Lumen Media governing board, Lumen Media staff and myself have studied the local and national trends for many years, noting the vast majority of adults prefer electronic means to obtain information over newspaper, radio and television. For example, since its inception in 2020, the number of our LumeNotes e-newsletter readers has more than doubled our newspaper readers.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, As we near the end of the month of May, we give thanks in a special way to Mary, the mother of God and our mother, for all her care for us. May crownings, first Communions and graduations have been a part of this month. We are blessed indeed. Holy Mother of God, pray for us!
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, The traditional Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord or what we call Ascension Thursday is 40 days after Easter Sunday, which is Thursday in the sixth week of Easter. The Ascension of the Lord celebrates the event described in Acts when Jesus appeared to his disciples numerous times for 40 days before ascending to heaven from the top of the Mount of Olives.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ: Continued Easter blessings to all of you! We thank God as well for the warm spring weather and life-giving rains for the crops in northwest Iowa. Today we celebrate the feast of St. Mark the Evangelist. The Gospel reading for today relates how the Risen Lord appears to his disciples with instructions to “go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.” They were sent to evangelize and baptize.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The Easter season continues: Christ is risen, indeed he is risen. Happy Easter! The 50-day Easter season ends May 19 with the Feast of Pentecost as we commemorate the Holy Spirit descending upon the apostles, sending them forth to share the good news of Jesus Christ, risen from the dead.