The 5th Annual Jaywalk-a-thon took place on Oct. 11 at the Gehlen Catholic football field and track for students and families.
Jaywalk-a-thon is the largest student fundraiser at Gehlen Catholic for grades TK-12th. Each student was encouraged to raise $75 by asking family members, friends, and neighbors to sponsor them.
“Our goal as a school was to raise $40,000 and the students went above and beyond and raised over $48,000! These funds go toward technology, classroom supplies, and so much more. We are proud of their hard work,” explained Amy Jungers, Development Director.
Since Sept.18, students turned in envelopes each Tuesday which included donations and prayer intentions they gathered from anyone they knew who requested prayers,” explained Amy Jungers, development director.
Jaywalk-a-thon started with all-school Mass, and throughout the day all students had a halfBrooklyn Varenhorst stops for a photo by the cross of 1,000+ prayer intentions. hour on the track which began with reflection, prayer, and ended with walking around the track to upbeat music with classmates, friends and family. “This fundraiser was a wonderful opportunity to not only raise money for our school, but also to bring our community together in prayer which is what Gehlen Catholic is all about,” shared Jungers.
Every student decorated a colorful cone and bracelet showing the specific intention they were walking for during the event.
“The day was full of faith, family, friends, fun, fitness and sunshine! We couldn’t have asked for a better day celebrating with one another,” explained Jungers. A few 2nd-grade boys stop by the cross full of prayer intentions as they cross the track finish line. There were over 1,000 prayer intentions collected.