Commentary by Sister Anne Marie Walsh, SOLT
Most of us could stand to have a little more joy in our lives. In fact, St. Thomas Aquinas said that man cannot live without joy. And if he does not find authentic joy, he will inevitably be drawn to carnal delights (pleasures of the flesh) and the innumerable addictions that derive from them. Pope St. John Paul II speaks of joy this way, “God made us for joy. God is joy, and the joy of living reflects the original joy that God felt in creating us.”
Grace Notes column by Sister Anne Marie Walsh, SOLT
Jesus has laid down several conditions for entering the kingdom of God. These are well known and, of course, revolve around eliminating sin in our lives and becoming holy, becoming like Jesus. But he also said we have to become like little children. The problem is that many of us wouldn’t fit through the heavenly gates the way we are now. Our giant ego, our giant pride, our giant sensitivity, our giant selfishness, our giant need to be in control, keep us spiritually “obese.” (Photo of Irish writer Oscar Wilde)