The FIRE Foundation of Northwest Iowa has awarded $33,275 to the Bishop Heelan Catholic School system. The largest grant awarded was $30,000 to fulfill the responsibilities of the Director of Student Services for the 2024-25 school year.
"This person will oversee system-wide the 504 plans, Individual Education Plans (IEP) monitoring, professional development (PD) for inclusive education and work with all resource teachers to streamline our services. The director will also work with the general classroom teachers on strengthening multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS), working on universal design learning (UDL), and working towards inclusive education for all students with diverse learning needs," explained Dr. John Flanery, president of BHCS.
Holy Cross School of the Heelan system received $1,775 for sensory tools and to initiate a service cart project for students. Students can learn how to run a small business providing snacks for students and staff with the service cart.
the BHCS system also received $1,500 for staff to attend the Learning Disabilities Association of America International Conference this year.